Utilizing RPA in the Debt Collection Sector to Drive Value

Robotic process automation drives the efficiency and accuracy of specific tasks. They’re taking RPA to the next level when you combine it with machine learning (ML). A number of finance leaders are now implementing RPA for a seamless business approach. The latest RPA solutions come with integrated capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) and ML models… Continue reading Utilizing RPA in the Debt Collection Sector to Drive Value

Auto Loan and Collection Challenges in 2022

The collection plays a significant part in your institution’s financial health. An auto loan is definitely one of the areas the debt collection team has been facing challenges. While auto loan delinquency has remained low, a moderate increase in auto loan delinquencies is expected this year. Limited resources, personnel, and time are common denominators for… Continue reading Auto Loan and Collection Challenges in 2022

Automation is Key to Collections Success: What You Need to Know

Debt collection is one of the critical areas supporting an organization’s revenue. Growing consumerism has created a lot of new opportunities for lenders. However, as the loan and finance sectors rise, bad debt does the same. And recovering the bad debt is getting increasingly challenging for debt collectors. In the United States alone, consumer debt… Continue reading Automation is Key to Collections Success: What You Need to Know